Why I launched Carter Bags

Why I launched Carter Bags

I always get asked “Why ladies’ laptop bags?” And it’s a good question! I suppose I could have done anything really, after all I had no previous experience in design or manufacturing for that matter.

I think it was a chain of events that created enough frustration in order for me to want to change things, coupled with the fact that as an individual I had reached my earning potential as a one woman band delivering marketing services- without massive price increases or investing in a team.

It was a choice between growing my marketing business (where I enjoyed, and still do enjoy working alone) or starting a product based business alongside.

My main driving forces were:

1- To create a laptop bag that didn’t look like it was designed by a man and which reflected what women actually need and want!

2- To create a laptop bag which was affordable for every day working class women but super chic! The only ones I could find which I liked were £300+ and I could never afford them even with a good job! I still had financial obligations to meet and a designer work bag wasn’t one of them ☹️

3- To create a sustainable product built on timeless design, durability, and made from recycled materials with ethics

4-I already had a great following on LinkedIn which is the perfect place to sell these products

5-I love them and live and breath my brand, I use my own products all the time and it’s enabled me to connect with so many amazing business women

6-To eventually build the business to a point where I am able to give back, to really raise awareness around issues women face at work and in life on a daily basis

7-To make a living doing something I love with purpose

I’m a long way off achieving everything I want to with Carter Bags, but I have a kick ass collection and with the support of my amazing network, friends and family and awesome customers- I just know it will be a success.

So much love to you all!

Charlotte Carter xxx

(Director, Carter Bags)


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